Sabinus, Portharcourt Skitmaker's Father Kidnapped



 May be an image of 3 people, beard and people smiling


The Porthracourt Skitmarker AKA Mr. Funny also known as SABINUS took to Social Media to announce his bitter experience following the kidnapped of his Father in the City of Portharcourt. 

The incident was forceful as it involves gun battle between the security officers and the men of darkness but they succeeded adopting the father.

from a social media source, one local security personal was gunned down and many injured following the deathly operation .

however, according to another Social Media source, The Father has been released according to the Statement by Sabinus.

According to a post by a Social media page named ubana Joy says the Father has been released and the Skit maker in an appreciative statement thank God for save released of his father and wondered how he would have raised ransom for the released of his father or better still it would have been "so so sorry", in his normal words

Sabinus, Portharcourt Skitmaker's Father Kidnapped Sabinus, Portharcourt Skitmaker's Father Kidnapped Reviewed by Lenee Barine on 06:46 Rating: 5

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