See The Advice A Facebook User Gives To Women Who Wants To Divorce.

Only few African men will marry a divorced woman - Nigerian man advises women

The Facebook group which saw a young lady  shows how good she could be a wife material after uploading the soup she cooked with #850 few days back is still treading after another group member came after African women who wants to divorce their husband.

He advises them that no African man is ready to marry  a second handed woman for a wife.

A Nigerian man in a Facebook post directed to women 'rushing' out of marriage, claimed that 'only few African men will marry a divorced woman'.

Prince Precious added that women leaving marriages should consider the possibility of staying single for the rest of their lives before taking the decision. He wrote;

Only few African men will marry a divorced woman.
So before rushing out of ur marriage,consider a possibility of remaining single.
See The Advice A Facebook User Gives To Women Who Wants To Divorce. See The Advice A Facebook User Gives To Women Who Wants To Divorce. Reviewed by Lenee Barine on 03:52 Rating: 5

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