President Trump Defends His Tweets Against Mr. Khan, London Mayor.

Piers Morgan has revealed how Donald Trump views Brexit as a 'fudge' as the US President criticised Theresa May's approach to negotiations with the EU 
Donald Trump, American president confesses that he tweets from his bedroom before he goes to office on daily basic.

President Trump was was asked to stop managing his twitter account after his activities on Twitter was almost interrupting, mis-presenting the dignity of his office is still on high gear when it comes to reacting to people's messages about his life style and government policies.

In an interview with Morgan on ITV from the World Economic Forum in Davos, the President said: 'Perhaps [I tweet] in bed, perhaps sometimes at breakfast and lunch.

'Generally speaking during the early morning I can do that then I am busy during the day. I sometimes just dictate out things to my people.'

Trump recently fell-out with the mayor of London over the attack that took the live of seven and many wounded in London. Trump's tweet has been a stroke of cain to the Mayor and Trump has been ordered not to enter the UK.

When the presenter mentioned that both politicians wanted him to stay away from the UK Mr Trump said, 'I don't know the man, I don't know the man.'

The President has a long running enmity with Mr Khan. Last year he was scathing about the London Mayor response to the terror attacks in Westminster and London Bridge.

He tweeted: 'At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'

President Trump also defended his diet. Asked if he planned to switch away from fast food, which he has regularly been pictured eating, he said: 'No don't want to change it.

'I eat fine food, some from the finest chefs in the world. I am healthy, I have some of that [fast food] on occasion. I think I eat actually quite well.'

President Trump Defends His Tweets Against Mr. Khan, London Mayor. President Trump Defends His Tweets Against Mr. Khan, London Mayor. Reviewed by Lenee Barine on 06:44 Rating: 5

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