World Richest Man, Warren Buffet Donates $3.17 Billion To Charity.

According to his company statement, Warren Buffet gave away $3.17 billion in shares of his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway to charity on Monday.

Warren Buffet the second richest in US and the fourth richest man in the world according to fox record who has been in the business of assisting the less privilege has finally donated the highest ever in his life.

The stock went to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as four foundations with ties to the Buffett family: Buffett's education-focused charity, which is named after his late wife Susan; 
the Sherwood Foundation, which is chaired by their daughter; the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, which is led by his son; and the NoVo Foundation, which has Buffett's youngest son Peter at the helm.

Back in 2006, Buffett announced plans to gradually donate all his Berkshire Hathaway shares and in 2010, Buffett launched The Giving Pledge with Bill Gates. The initiative encourages the world's billionaires to dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes. As of May, 170 people had signed the pledge across 21 countries.
World Richest Man, Warren Buffet Donates $3.17 Billion To Charity. World Richest Man, Warren Buffet Donates $3.17 Billion To Charity. Reviewed by Lenee Barine on 02:31 Rating: 5

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