Indian Women Refutes "Talaq" Divorce, Campaigning For Rejection
Triple talaq, as it is commonly called, is an ancient and
controversial Islamic practice where a man divorces a woman by saying
the word talaq, the Arabic word for divorce, three times. Sometimes,
it's even delivered by phone or text message.
theory, it should take three months to take effect. In practice, it is
often instantaneous; the woman forced out of the house with barely a
moment's notice.
home to the second largest Muslim population in the world, is among the
few that do not ban the practice. Other countries with majority Muslim
populations like Pakistan and Indonesia have outlawed the practice for
This story came to light
recently when Farha, a 30-year old woman from the northern Indian city
of Jaipur, became a single mother of three young children.
husband instantly divorced her last year by saying "talaq, talaq,
talaq" in a fit of anger after their 10-year-old daughter had asked him
for five rupees (seven cents) to buy some firecrackers for a holiday
The nation's
highest legal advisory body, the Law Commission of India, put out a
survey to Indian citizens in October 2016, asking about various ways to
reform family laws and specifically whether or not to ban talaq.
Indian Women Refutes "Talaq" Divorce, Campaigning For Rejection
Reviewed by Lenee Barine

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