Absconded Would Have Been The Way Out, Says BBOG Co-cordinator, Aisha Yesufu.
The co-cordinator of Bring Back Our Girls Campaign, BBOG has not been taking it that kind with the administration of this present Government because she believes that much is expected of the Government following all the promises that led to their victory, but in recent time, Nigerians can not fix the difference in all ramification.
It almost to be as was said when the children of Israel in the wilderness. Most Nigerians had demanded that if President Buhari can not solve the problems of the country, He should bring the country to the state it was.
This should be one of those reasons that has prompted Aisha Yesufu reaction on her twitter handle, because Nigerians are becoming tired of the President's excuses and unnecessary complains,there is no time in life that does not have its problems, so Prsident Buhari, fix or or face out.
Absconded Would Have Been The Way Out, Says BBOG Co-cordinator, Aisha Yesufu.
Reviewed by Lenee Barine

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