Donald Trump's Son Expounds The Father's Awaiting Responsibilities:"The Weight Of The World Is On His Shoulder".

Donald Trump's Son, Eric  Trump

Eric Trump defended his father’s campaign and railed against Hillary Clinton and her campaign promises as “total garbage” in a blustery radio interview posted on Sunday.

“He is fighting the entire world. I mean he is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders,” Eric Trump told Cincinnati radio host Bill Cunningham. The younger Trump channeled his aggrieved father and blasted “the media,” the Clinton “powerhouse” and her donors, and “spineless” Republican Party leaders working to defeat his father. “It’s very, very sad to see,” the younger Trump said.

“She has been a politician a lot longer than I have been alive. Why hasn’t she fixed any of these problems? I mean why hasn’t she fixed any of these problems?” Trump asked, criticizing Clinton’s record in the Senate and painting the Clinton Foundation as a pay-to-play scheme. “She gets on TV and she talks about equal pay for equal work and equal pay for equal that — which by the way, we’re 100% in favor of — but she’s done nothing about. She didn’t practice it [at the Clinton Foundation] in her own life. It is total garbage. And that’s why we have $20 trillion worth of debt, that’s why we have a broken educational system, that’s why we have a broken military, that’s why we have a broken VA, that’s why we have a broken tax code, and I can go on and on and on.”

Radio host Cunningham called Clinton a “two-faced woman running for the presidency” and claimed the media intentionally failed to report videos of “Barack Hussein Obama” during the run-up to the 2008 election.

“On the internet, you can check it out, in 2005, Barack Hussein Obama is giving a presentation to a public group talking about ribs, and to use his term, ‘Arabs,’ and he used the p-word repeatedly. The president, three years before the election, is talking about the p-word in a group, and there’s other videos of him talking about male genitalia on the Barack Hussein Obama plane to female reporters. All this videotape was suppressed by the mainstream media in ‘08 because they wanted to elect this guy at all costs,” Cunningham alleged.

Eric Trump did not address the claims, but responded, “That’s why, and I think the media and Congress [are] tied for the worst approval ratings out of anybody in the world… The one thing I will say is that Americans are very, very smart, and they see through nonsense and they see through all of this.”

“Tell the Trumpster that Bill Clinton is the Bill Cosby of American politics, and Hillary is the chief enabler,” Cunningham said. “Will you tell him that for me?”

“I absolutely will. You’re a great man and I appreciate everything,” Trump told Cunningham. “You do it better than anyone.”
Donald Trump's Son Expounds The Father's Awaiting Responsibilities:"The Weight Of The World Is On His Shoulder". Donald Trump's Son Expounds The Father's Awaiting Responsibilities:"The Weight Of The World Is On His Shoulder". Reviewed by Lenee Barine on 04:25 Rating: 5

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