iPhone 14 Impact in Global Market Is High As Recent Survey Show Customers Expectancy
Apple products are one the leading brand in the phone industry because of its prestigious peculiarities. The iPhone is seen to be made for the first class citizens and celebrities there by increasing it demands and unprecedented price hawk.
IPhone 13 which is the last product from the giant manufacture of iPhone will soon be replaced with iPhone 14 by September this years as announced by the phone giant,preparing the mind of their esteem customers as to what to expect..
But before then, the Apple corperation did a survey to ascertain the iPhone 14 Market impart and it records good success than Previous launched iPhone 13.
The iPhone 14 event is just two weeks away, and early data indicates Apple will once again spur existing iPhone users to upgrade. In fact, a new survey published this week suggests more people are planning to upgrade to the iPhone 14 than were planning to upgrade to the iPhone 13 last year.
The survey, published by Savings, is based on an admittedly small sample size of 1,500 current iPhone users. The data shows that 14% of existing iPhone users plan to upgrade to the iPhone 14 this year, up from 10% in the same survey prior to the iPhone 13 launch last year.
According to the survey, more than two in three people who are planning to upgrade currently have an iPhone that is less than two years old. Furthermore, one in three who plan to upgrade currently own an iPhone that they’ve had for a year or less. Only 13% of people planning to upgrade said they have had their current iPhone for more than three years.
The summary shows the impact of iPhone is high even with increased price tag and the customers expectancy to iPhone 14 is high.
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